
Understand insubordination in the workplace, its impact, and how to manage it through clear policies, effective communication, and leadership.

The challenge of insubordination

Employee insubordination is an issue that can significantly impact the dynamics of your workplace. It can lead to conflicts among your team, act as an impediment to progress, and negatively influence your company's culture. Such situations, if not managed properly, can disrupt the harmony and productivity of the entire business.

As an employer, it's essential to understand the nature of insubordination and develop strategies to prevent and address it effectively. Proactive measures can help maintain a positive work environment and ensure the smooth running of your business.

What is insubordination?

Insubordination occurs when an employee intentionally disobeys or disregards orders from a workplace authority figure. This authority figure can be a manager, an employer, a business owner, or another senior staff member. The act of insubordination typically follows a three-step pattern:

  1. Giving a direction where the authority figure issues a directive, either verbally or in writing.
  2. Legality and reasonableness where the order given must be both legal and reasonable, fitting within the employee's job responsibilities and not violating any laws or ethical standards.
  3. Refusal to comply where the employee acknowledges the order though intentionally chooses not to follow it.

Understanding these steps is crucial in identifying genuine cases of insubordination and differentiating them from situations where an employee's refusal to comply might be justified (e.g., if the order is illegal, unethical, or outside their job scope).

Identifying insubordination

Identifying insubordination in the workplace involves determining whether an employee's refusal to follow an order constitutes a deliberate and unjustified disobedience. Using the three-step criteria previously outlined can be a helpful starting point. However, it's crucial to recognise that not every refusal to follow an order is insubordination.

When refusal is not insubordination

  1. Illegal or unethical orders or an order that poses a health and safety risk, employees are right to refuse it. For instance, asking an employee to disregard safety protocols or engage in fraudulent activities clearly warrants refusal.
  2. Tasks beyond job scope where an order requires an employee to perform tasks well outside their agreed job responsibilities may not be part of their role. This could include tasks for which the employee is not trained or that fall under a different department's responsibilities.
  3. Miscommunication or misunderstanding where what appears to be insubordination might be a result of miscommunication or misunderstanding. If instructions were unclear or if the employee lacked necessary information or guidance, their failure to comply might not constitute insubordination. This highlights the importance of clear, direct communication and ensuring employees have the necessary context to understand their tasks.

What is an example of insubordination?

Insubordination in the workplace can present in multiple ways, ranging from verbal disrespect to acts of outright defiance. Recognising these forms is crucial for effective management and maintaining a healthy work environment. Here are some expanded practical examples:

Verbal insubordination

This form of insubordination involves disrespectful communication towards authority figures. It includes openly defying or challenging directives, often in a confrontational manner. Verbal insubordination can significantly undermine the respect and authority of managers and disrupt the workplace atmosphere.

  • Example: An employee, when asked to complete a task, responds with sarcasm or belittling comments towards the manager, such as "I'm sure someone as brilliant as you could do it much faster."
  • Impact: This not only shows disrespect but also undermines the manager's authority, potentially affecting team morale and discipline.

Disobeying direct orders

This common form of insubordination occurs when an employee refuses to follow clear, reasonable instructions from a superior. This direct defiance can disrupt work processes and affect team dynamics and productivity.

  • Example: An employee is asked to follow a new procedure for filing reports, but they continuously ignore this directive, sticking to the old method without any valid reason.
  • Impact: This refusal disrupts workflow consistency and can lead to inefficiencies or errors, affecting overall productivity.

Undermining authority

This involves actions or behaviours that weaken the credibility or authority of a manager or senior staff member. It can range from public challenges to a manager's decisions to spreading rumors, affecting the work environment and team morale.

  • Example: An employee consistently questions the manager's decisions in team meetings, implying that the manager is incompetent or lacks knowledge.
  • Impact: Behaviour like this can erode the respect for managerial authority within the team and create a divided work environment.

Gross insubordination

Defined as severe, blatant disobedience, this form involves extreme behaviour like physical violence or intentional sabotage. It represents a serious breach of workplace conduct and often results in immediate disciplinary action.

  • Example: An employee, in a fit of anger, damages company property or threatens coworkers or superiors.
  • Impact: This extreme behaviour poses a threat to workplace safety and can have severe legal and reputational consequences for the business.

Passive aggressive behaviour

  • Example: An employee agrees to a task but deliberately performs it slowly or inefficiently as a form of silent protest.
  • Impact: This behaviour can be harder to identify but equally disruptive, as it covertly obstructs the workflow and can create a negative atmosphere.

Repeated lateness or absenteeism

  • Example: An employee consistently arrives late or takes unauthorised days off, ignoring established company policies and warnings.
  • Impact: This pattern of behaviour shows a lack of respect for company time and can burden other team members who have to cover the absent employee’s responsibilities.

How can insubordination impact your business?

Insubordination in the workplace can have far-reaching consequences, affecting various aspects of business operations and workplace dynamics. Here are some expanded insights into how insubordination can impact a business:

  • Insubordination can significantly undermine the authority and credibility of managers. When employees openly challenge or disregard their supervisors, it can weaken the established chain of command, leading to a lack of respect and discipline among other team members.
  • Refusal to perform assigned tasks can lead to conflicts within the team, particularly if other team members are forced to shoulder the extra workload. This can result in increased stress, resentment, and a decline in team cohesion and morale.
  • Insubordination can foster a negative atmosphere in the workplace. As disrespectful or defiant behaviours spread, they can lead to rifts among staff, creating a toxic and unproductive work environment.
  • When employees fail to complete their tasks or deliverables, it directly impacts the company's productivity and project timelines. This can lead to delays in service delivery, missed deadlines, and a decline in overall business efficiency.
  • Insubordination can extend beyond internal operations to affect customer experience. Failure to execute tasks or follow protocols can result in poor service quality, leading to customer dissatisfaction. Moreover, non-compliance with certain orders, especially in regulated industries, can have legal ramifications for the business.
  • An insubordinate employee might engage in activities that harm the company's reputation, such as spreading false rumours, leaking confidential information, or making derogatory comments online. This can have a lasting negative impact on the company's public image and client trust.
  • Persistent insubordination can lead to higher turnover rates. Employees who are unhappy with a chaotic or disrespectful work environment may choose to leave, leading to increased recruitment and training costs.
  • Dealing with insubordination can consume significant management time and resources, diverting attention from core business activities and strategic objectives.

Understanding the causes of insubordination

Insubordination can arise from various factors, each influencing employee behaviour in different ways. Understanding these causes is essential for effectively managing and preventing insubordinate behaviour.

  • Lack of respect and support within the workplace. When employees feel undervalued, unappreciated, or disrespected, it can lead to resentment and job dissatisfaction. This feeling of being undervalued might be due to a perceived lack of recognition for their work, or feeling that their needs and concerns are consistently ignored or trivialised by management.
  • Disagreement with company policies or procedures is another common cause of insubordination. Employees may disagree with certain rules or ways of working, especially if they feel these policies are unfair, overly restrictive, or out of touch with their daily work realities. This disagreement can result in a reluctance to adhere to these policies, leading to insubordinate behaviour.
  • Personal Issues and external stressors like family stress, financial worries, or health concerns can spill over into the workplace, affecting an employee’s behaviour. Such personal challenges can manifest as insubordination, especially if the employee feels unable to express their struggles or seek support at work.
  • Communication Gaps and Misunderstandings can lead to misunderstandings about job roles, expectations, or instructions, resulting in what appears to be insubordination. This is often the case when instructions are not clearly conveyed or when employees are not given the opportunity to seek clarifications.
  • Lack of employee engagement or involvement where employees who feel disconnected from the decision-making process or the broader goals of the company may exhibit insubordinate behaviour. This can stem from feeling like their opinions and feedback are not valued or considered in company decisions.
  • Leadership or management styles can also play a significant role. Authoritarian, inconsistent, or unapproachable leadership can foster a climate of resentment and defiance among employees.

How to manage of insubordination

If not addressed properly, insubordination can lead to significant issues within your business. It's crucial to have a structured approach for dealing with such situations. Here's an expanded guide on managing insubordinate employees:

  • Stay calm and objective in the face of insubordination. Avoid reacting emotionally or escalating the situation. It's often beneficial to take a moment to collect your thoughts and approach the situation with a clear, objective mindset. This approach not only sets a professional tone but also helps in making rational decisions.
  • Conduct a thorough investigation to understand the context and reasons behind the insubordinate behaviour is key. Engage in a fact-finding mission to gather all relevant information. This might involve speaking to other team members, reviewing workplace communications, or examining the employee's work history. It’s important to consider all perspectives and gather evidence before making any decisions.
  • Adhere to the disciplinary process and follow the established disciplinary process as outlined in your employee handbook. This ensures consistency and fairness. Ensure that the process is transparent and in line with company policy and legal requirements, especially in areas like procedural fairness and employee rights.
  • Implement appropriate disciplinary actions that correspond to the seriousness of the insubordination. Options may range from verbal or written warnings to more severe consequences like suspension or termination in cases of gross misconduct. The action taken should serve both as a corrective measure and a deterrent for future incidents.
  • Focus on performance management In cases where insubordination is not severe. This involves setting clear performance goals and expectations, providing regular feedback, and monitoring progress. This approach aims to guide the employee back to acceptable standards of behaviour and performance.
  • Maintain detailed records is crucial throughout the process. Keep detailed records of all interactions, decisions made, and actions taken. This includes keeping notes of meetings, warnings issued, and any performance management steps taken. Accurate records are essential, particularly in the event of potential legal challenges or unfair dismissal claims.

Dealing with insubordination requires a careful balance between firmness and fairness. By following a structured process, maintaining professionalism, and focusing on resolution and improvement, you can effectively manage insubordinate behaviour and maintain a positive and productive work environment.

Preventing workplace insubordination

Creating a work environment that minimises the risk of insubordination involves both clear policies and a positive workplace culture. To prevent workplace insubordination, it's key to establish clear policies and foster a positive culture. Your employee handbook should explicitly define insubordination, including its various forms and associated consequences.

Being clear about your disciplinary process and highlighting the investigation steps, possible actions, and employee rights can also mitigate insubordination. Embedding these consequences in employment contracts further reinforces the seriousness of such behaviour.

Finally, training leaders in effective communication and leadership, engaging employees in decision making, and cultivating a respectful work environment are key strategies.

When managing performance and addressing insubordination, it's essential for employers to follow proper procedures. Employment Compass specialises in employee relations and offers support for employers seeking guidance. Call your 24/7 free Advice Line at 1300 144 002 for answers and support.

Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between insubordination and other misconduct?

Insubordination specifically involves an employee's wilful disobedience of an order, which can be through explicit refusal, nonverbal refusal, or not following company policy.

Can you be fired for insubordination?

Severe cases of insubordination, constituting gross misconduct, may lead to instant dismissal. Continued insubordination despite performance management can also result in termination.

How can managers effectively handle insubordination?

Managers should address insubordination by staying calm, investigating the issue thoroughly, following the disciplinary process, and documenting all steps taken.

What role does clear communication play in preventing insubordination?

Clear communication of expectations and feedback helps prevent misunderstandings that can lead to insubordination.

Can insubordination be a result of personal issues?

Yes, personal issues and external stressors can sometimes manifest as insubordinate behaviour in the workplace.

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