Alternative Employment

A guide for business owners on alternative employment strategies, suitable job assessment, and navigating employee transitions.

As a business owner, you may face situations where an employee can no longer fulfil their current role due to personal circumstances or changes within the business, considering alternative employment options becomes essential. This might arise in scenarios like changes in an employee's personal situation that prevent them from meeting their contractual obligations, or during business restructuring that could lead to potential redundancies.

Offering an employee a suitable alternative position within the company can sometimes be a viable solution to avoid redundancy. The suitability of a new role should be assessed based on various factors such as the nature of the job, salary and benefits, location, work environment, and hours. Failing to offer an available and suitable alternative role could lead to the employee making an unfair dismissal claim.

In cases where an employee's personal circumstances change, impacting their ability to continue in their current role – for example, losing a driving license required for their job – it doesn't necessarily mean immediate dismissal. Instead, exploring reasonable alternative duties within the company is advisable. Reflecting on how similar situations were handled in the past can provide valuable insights for current decisions.

Employment Compass offers guidance on navigating the complexities of finding alternative employment for employees under various circumstances. Business owners seeking support in these situations can reach out to Employment Compass' 24-hour Advice Line at 1300 144 002 for expert advice and assistance.

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